Game TheoryInside KnowledgeSae-byeok explores an air vent and witnesses workers melting pots of sugar. Sang-woo learns of her discovery and guesses that the next...
Game TheoryCrossing the Bridge in the "Glass Stepping Stone Bridge" GameOnly 3 players of the 16 original players survive the game because they don't work as a team. Some players have more information than...
Game TheoryZero-sum Game in the "Marbles Game"Several groups play odds and evens (holjjang) with their marbles. Both players grab a random number of marbles – holding it hidden in...
Game TheoryStrategic Behavior in the "Red Light Green Light" GameWe see a few instances towards the end of the game where players begin to act strategically by signaling, hiding behind, and even...
Game TheoryThe Importance of Remaining Rational in the "Red Light Green Light" GameSome players don’t fully understand the rules and payoffs of the game. In the traditional form of the game, elimination means being sent...
Game TheoryShould You Go First or Last?Players in the upcoming game must select a numbered vest that will determine their playing order. Initially, players pick numbers in the...
Game TheoryPick Your Game of MarblesFor the fourth game in the series, players must select a partner and then play a game against each other using marbles. Each pair must...
Game TheorySharing SecretsIt turns out that one of the players (#111) is working outside of the official games to help some of the masked workers sell body parts....
Game TheoryAttack or Sleep?The players have not been given very much food in an effort to motivate them to attack each other. One guard explains that “we gave [the...
Game TheoryEveryone's Desperate to PlayNearly everyone playing in these games have been selected because of enormous debts. After the first game, the players call a vote on...